Why are the unvaccinated consistently much healthier than the vaccinated masses? & Fake Science
The endocrine system is a complex network of glands and organs. It uses hormones to control and coordinate your body's metabolism, energy levels, reproduction, growth and development, and response to injury, stress, and mood.
“From the day of conception until an individual is born, the development of each stage is fully under the control of hormones. Changes that happen during development are far less reversible than those those occurring in an adult; you cannot go back and rewire the brain.” Theo Colburn, FH.D, environmental health analyst who died in 2014 and best known for her studies on the health effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals.
The following summarises several studies comparing the health of both vaccinated with unvaccinated, evidence that exposes Big Pharma’s Achilles Heel and what they fear most, and why Big Pharma has never backed any similar studies, but instead attempts to discredit or ban any doctor who dares to raise this issue. This data should sweep away any doubts, because whether young or old, the ‘pure bloods’, i.e. the unvaccinated, are shown to be consistently far more healthy when compared to the vaccinated masses.
There are millions of vaccine damaged children today unable to speak for themselves. No vaccine has ever been proven “safe” or “effective,” quite the opposite in fact, and this explains why multiple vaccine manufacturers and governments have been forced to pay billions in compensation to vaccine damaged families. In 2002 the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation provided a ten-year grant to establish the ‘Meningitis Vaccine Project’ in Sub-Saharan Africa. After which his hired operatives forcibly vaccinated thousands of African children against meningitis, causing approximately 50 of the 500 children vaccinated to develop paralysis. Soon afterwards the South African newspapers complained, “We are guinea pigs for the drug makers.” Nelson Mandela’s former Senior Economist, Professor Patrick Bond, describes Gates’ philanthropic practices as “ruthless and immoral.”
In 2010, Gates committed $10 billion to WHO saying, “We must make this the decade of vaccines.” A month later, Bill Gates said during a ‘Ted Talk' presentation; "new vaccines could help to reduce populations….The world right now has 6.8 billion people... that's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 to 15 percent.”
In 2010, the Gates Foundation also funded a phase three trial of GSK’s experimental malaria vaccine, that ended up by killing 151 African infants and causing serious adverse effects including paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions to 1,048 of the 5,949 children who were vaccinated. In 2014, the Gates Foundation also funded tests of experimental HPV vaccines, developed by Glaxo Smith Kline and Merck, on 23,000 young girls in remote Indian provinces, after which approximately 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including auto-immune and fertility disorders. Seven died. The Indian government later charged Gates-funded researchers with committing pervasive ethical violations, i.e. of pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured girls afterwards.
In 2014, Kenya’s Catholic Doctors Association accused the World Health Organisation of chemically sterilising millions of unwilling Kenyan women following a “tetanus” vaccine program. In fact the independent labs found poisons that cause sterility in every vaccine they tested. After denying the charges, the WHO finally admitted it had been developing the sterility vaccines for over a decade. Similar accusations also came from Tanzania, Nicaragua, Mexico, and the Philippines.
In 2017 the World Health Organisation reluctantly admitted the current global explosion in polio was predominantly being caused by vaccines containing man-made polio strains. In fact, by 2018, over 70% of all global polio cases were due to the man-made vaccine strains. Indian doctors also blame the Gates campaign for the paralysis epidemic that paralysed 490,000 children between 2017 and 2000, after which the Indian government asked Gates, and his free vaccines to leave India. It is therefore no coincidence the cases of acute flaccid paralysis rates dropped dramatically afterward. Similar vaccine poisoning epidemics also occurred in the Congo, Afghanistan, and the Philippines, and all linked to Gates vaccine programs.
A 2017 *study clearly showed that the DTP vaccine was killing more African children than the diseases it was meant to prevent. Also it showed that DTP-vaccinated girls suffered 10x the death rate than children who had not yet received the vaccine. But in spite of this, the WHO has consistently refused to recall this lethal vaccine, but instead continues to enforce mass vaccination programs on tens of millions of African children annually. *Morgenson et. al. 2017.
In addition to using his money to control WHO, UNICEF, GAVI, and PATH, Bill Gates also provides funding for the private pharmaceutical company that manufactures his lethal vaccines. He also gave an additional $50 million to twelve pharmaceutical companies for developing new coronavirus vaccines. In his recent media appearances Gates said that he is; “confident the Covid-19 crisis will provide the opportunity to expand vaccine programs on all American children.”
After it was proven that the DPT vaccine seriously increased a child's risk for encephalopathy, seizures, and death, the US Government was forced to provide a less toxic version in the mid 1990s. But as just mentioned, the World Health Organisation continues to enforce the DTP vaccine programs upon tens of millions of children annually.
The following is taken from the 1982 Emmy Award winning TV documentary ‘DPT Vaccine Roulette’ and exposes the hazardous effects caused by the DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus toxoid vaccine) mentioned above, but given to millions and millions of children annually, to quote: “As far back as 1933 it was known that the whooping cough vaccine caused brain damage. The controversy is therefore not about whether or not this happens, but how often it happens, and whether the vaccine was causing more long term harm than the disease itself. It has long been known that the DPT vaccine reactions include: high fever, collapse, shock-like collapse, unconsolable crying, convulsions and brain damage, ranging from severe brain damage to learning disabilities, and therefore usually never connected to the shots. The Physicians Desk Reference supplied by the manufactures also states: “The occurrence of Sudden-Infant-Death Syndrome has been reported following the DPT vaccines.” (See SIDS below) In reality a healthy child would never normally die from whooping cough, and in America and the UK it has not been a killing disease for a very long time.
According to paediatric neurologist Dr. Jerome Murphy, the data linking the vaccine to brain damage is already overwhelming and as a result many paediatric neurologists have chosen not to have their children vaccinated. But in spite of the accumulating evidence, it took the American government 42 years before commissioning its first study, undertaken by Dr Larry Baraff at the UCLA medical dept. Dr Larry Baraff was soon made aware that the government’s primary concern was public reaction, and that the vaccine was ‘safe.’ However what the study did find was even worse than previous studies. They found persistent high pitched crying (indicating reactive brain damage) in as many as 1 in every 13 children, thus suggesting that many will go through life with some form of brain damage. Dr Larry Baraff also agrees the vaccine might also be causing ‘Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.’ And according to Microbiologist Dr R. Young: “My fear is that very few are escaping from some form of related neurological damage, and I really believe it. Perhaps this is why no follow up to the UCLA study has ever been undertaken in order to establish if any of the children included have suffered from long term physical or mental health related problems. The government’s reason being apparently “insufficient funds.” There is also no legal requirement for a doctor to report any vaccine related symptoms or reaction; in fact every effort has been made to make it as difficult as possible. (See comparative vaccinated vs unvaccinated health study).
When confronted with the data linking infant brain damage to the vaccine the FDA’s spokesman, Dr John Robbins only response was: “I think that if you as a parent brought your child to a Doctor to be vaccinated and were initially told; ‘well I have to tell you that some children who get this vaccine will get brain damaged.’ there is no question that as a responsible parent you would say no. But we do things together as a community to protect each other.”
With regard to a governmental cover-up, when Dr Robbins was asked whether the FDA was aware that vaccine manufactures are destroying all vaccine adverse reaction data, or how long the vaccine manufacturers are required to keep them, and that vaccine damage related FDA records were just vanishing, he responds: “I don’t know, I’m sorry.” The UCLA study also points out that the vaccine does not provide immunity, but in fact a child could get the whole series of shots and still get whooping cough. In fact studies in England showed that less than two thirds of those fully vaccinated were protected. And according to the FDA’s Dr Robbins; “Our analysis of the vaccine’s effectiveness from the lab tests is not as good as we would like, and he continues, I can’t speak for the whole medical community, I can only speak for myself, I also know that vaccines do produce some side reactions”
The DPT vaccine has never been clinically tested in the United States, but following a congressional mandate in 1973 the FDA were duty bound to set up a review panel of the bacteria based available vaccines on the market. The report was never published, but a draft was obtained under the Freedom of Information Act that revealed that not only were the vaccine manufactures unable to provide any proof that their vaccines were safe or effective, but in spite of the potential risks, the document shows the panel went ahead on a 3 to 2 vote to continue issuing licenses for the ongoing manufacture of unproven and highly suspect vaccines given to infants and children. Governments that have been forced to pay compensation for vaccine related brain damage include: Britain, the United States, Japan, France, Denmark, West Germany and Switzerland. This does not includes countries that paid compensation for Swine Flu vaccine damage, which in itself confirms just how dangerous vaccines are.
The Emmy Award winning program concludes with: “The fact that these vaccines can cause encephalopathy, seizures, and death, it follows there are some children who should absolutely never receive these shots, and other children who remain at serious risk from these vaccines. But what about the countless children still suffering from the life long tragic consequences of being vaccine poisoned as an infant? Who is helping or fighting for them?” End of Documentary Quotes.
Consider this fact: No 'Virus' has ever been 'isolated' or even been proven to exist. Given that we are witnessing unprecedented levels of dementia, autism, mental health issues and auto-immune diseases is this not sufficient evidence that vaccine related brain damage has become a reality of life for many families? Especially when one considers that the resulting brain damage can be logically linked to vaccine induced brain toxicity and the brain and body’s autoimmune response, discussed in the following.
Paediatrician Dr Thomas MD is one of those rare physicians in that he believes in honouring his original oath, i.e. “first do no harm” and that informed consent should not be optional. Therefore when Dr Thomas began to notice serious mental deterioration in previously normal children, who shortly after receiving their routine childhood jabs lost all eye contact and speech, i.e. autism, he bravely decided to undertake the largest paediatric study of its kind.
He later published his extensive study in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, entitled; “Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination” by James Lyons-Weiler, PhD and Paul Thomas, MD.
The study was conducted among 3,324 patients at Dr. Thomas’ Oregon paediatric practice and designed to answer this basic question: Are vaccinated children healthier overall than unvaccinated children? It compared the relative incidence of office visits of 3,324 paediatric patients who received care in Dr. Thomas’ paediatric practice over a 10 year period, of which 2,763 had received at least one vaccine and 561 had received no vaccines at all. As a result, the findings show clearly that vaccinated children have far more chronic illness than the unvaccinated. For example the vaccinated children required twice as much health care time compared to unvaccinated children and much more likely to suffer from chronic respiratory illnesses: The following speaks for itself:
None of the 561 unvaccinated children had developed Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
Vaccinated children had ten times as many doctor visits for behavioural related issues.
Vaccinated children visited the clinic three times more often for ear pain and Otis media (ear infection).
Vaccinated children required six times more health care for anaemia than unvaccinated children.
Vaccinated children were treated three times more often for asthma than their unvaccinated peers.
Vaccinated children were seen for allergic rhinitis (hay fever) over six times more than the unvaccinated.
What was Dr Thomas’s reward for his efforts? Just five days after publishing his evidence in a medical research journal he had his medical licence taken away, and raises the obvious question: why remove his medical licence, if his only sin was to show that unvaccinated children are much healthier than vaccinated children?
The graphic above shows the orange vaccinated patients who over time had accumulated far more visits for each complaint than unvaccinated in blue.
A similar study published in 2020 in the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) by scientist Brain Hooker Phd and Dr Neil Miller, and was also meticulously constructed, and critically peer reviewed, entitled;
‘Analysis of health outcomes in vaccinated and unvaccinated children: Developmental Delay, Asthma, Ear Infections and Gastro-intestinal Disorders.’
They also analysed the medical records, of over two thousand children, but from three separate medical practices, all aged between 3-12, and born between 2005 and 2015. Then they compared the differential rates of childhood illness between those who had been vaccinated in their first year and those who had not.
Like the Dr Thomas study, what the medical records show is that by the age of 5 the children who had received vaccination in their first year of life were twice as likely to suffer from developmental problems, three times more likely to develop chronic gastro-intestinal disorders, fifty per cent more likely to suffer from ear infections, and almost three hundred per cent likely to suffer from asthma.
With regard to vaccine damaged children, and learning difficulties, a pilot study was carried out in 1992 by Dr Carl Ferreri from the USA, myself, several UK educational specialists and teachers, including educational researcher PHD Dr Audrey Chamberlain. The study received National and specialist press coverage i.e. ITN news, the Daily Telegraph, the National Children's Bureau, Here's Health magazine and others.
The study showed that all the children treated gained increased confidence, social skills, improved concentration and learning skills, as well as improved motor function, i.e. better handwriting and co-ordination skills; less clumsy, improved speech and language skills and maturity. These physical and mental changes require not only hormonal (gut) changes but also changes to the brain’s functional architecture or its working map so to speak and were attained by specific 'neurological re-integration.'
An ITN news crew also filmed the treatment and a well known TV presenter at the time, Joan Thirkettle took a keen interest and wanted to spread the word - hence the TV coverage.
Unfortunately Joan Thirkettle died suddenly and unexpectedly a couple of weeks before the finished research was due to be presented on national prime time news. The Independent Newspaper also had a two page feature planned concerning our study but they informed the day before it was due to go public that the article was being ‘withheld’. We still have the original study.
These studies add to other published peer-reviewed papers, such a previous Mawson study published in 2017 which again compared the health of vaccinated children with unvaccinated and similar findings. How much more evidence is required before the penny drops, i.e. that we have for far too long underestimated the degree of vaccine harm and the relationship between the current epidemic of chronic related illness in children and adults, and as such can hardly be claimed to be a total mystery.
Thankfully in addition to the Dr. Fuellmich team of lawyers mentioned above, ‘Health Freedom Litigators’ Messrs Greg Glaser and Ray Flores are also standing up for people’s legal and constitutional right to remain fully unvaccinated if they choose. Last year both lawyers handed a 5000 page document to California’s Supreme Court on 26th Aug 2021, in the form of a “Judicial Notice’ showing how vaccines are indeed destroying public health. Their documents contain huge amounts of data that prove beyond reasonable doubt that vaccines are in fact the number one cause of the vast majority of chronic diseases in America in the form of a vaccine induced pandemic. They have also provided irrefutable proof of causation, i.e. “That vaccines have, and are causing serious immune dysfunction and subsequent autoimmune reactions that include cancers”. See: controlgroup.org.
VAERS own data links Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) to vaccines.
One unintended consequence of the 2020 COVID-19 lockdown and quarantine was that it led to a significant drop in the number of childhood vaccinations being given. Using data provided by the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) own database we can see that out of a total of 2,605 infant deaths reported to VAERS between 1990 and 2019, a staggering 78% had occurred within seven days after receiving vaccinations, while 58% died within first three days.
To Quote Dr Boyd Hayley, Professor and Chair, Dept of Chemistry, University of Kentucky (2001). “Giving just a single vaccine to a six-pound newborn is the equivalent of giving a 180-pound adult 30 vaccines on the same day”
The fact that almost 80% of the 2,600 infants that died, had all died within seven days after receiving vaccinations should not be ignored. Thankfully a study recently published in the journal Toxicology Report by Dr Brian S. Hooker, PhD, PE, associate Professor of Biology at Simpson University in Redding California, using the VEARS data, as the chart above shows.
SIDS is defined as the sudden, unexpected and unexplained death of an infant. In the past these tragic, but very isolated incidents were referred to as “cot deaths” and occurred so infrequently there was no mention of this form of infant death in any infant mortality statistics, prior to the rollout of infant vaccination programs. Then in the 1960s for the first time in history, mass child vaccination became government policy in many countries, from which point it became mandatory for all infants and children to be repeatedly injected with multiple doses of DPT, polio, measles, mumps and rubella vaccines.
It was shortly after this, that in 1969 it became necessary for government medical certifiers in the US to invent a new medical term in response a very noticeable and sudden increase in infant mortality rates. Hence a previously unknown syndrome became: ‘Sudden Infant Death Syndrome’. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, SIDS had by 1980 become the leading cause of all infant deaths.
Therefore if the official line, “vaccination does not cause deaths” is true, then why was the ‘National Vaccine Injury Compensation’ (NVIC) set up in 1986 to compensate an increasing number of families of individuals who were injured and/or died after vaccination? The going rate for ‘Death from Vaccination’ is currently around $250,000 but because the vaccine producers have long been in collusion with governments they have been given legal exemption, therefore it is the taxpayers who are paying out multiple billions to vaccine-wrecked families.
There exists other similar studies, all more or less re-affirming the VAERS data shown above, such as a study entitled: ‘The temporal clustering of SIDS deaths with vaccination’, as well as seven additional peer-reviewed studies, all confirming a mean average of infant deaths of 25%, occurring within one day, 49% within three days and 71% within seven days after being vaccinated. Ref: Miller 2021 - Clustering of SIDS cases and all infant mortality post-vaccination.
The following concluding statement is taken from a study published in the National Library of Medicine in 2017 entitled: Infanrix Hexa and sudden death: “A detailed analysis in which compared observed deaths soon after vaccination with deaths expected by chance, and among the infants there was a clustering of deaths immediately following vaccination, in those below one year, 93% occurring within the first ten days.” NB Hexa = 6 doses in 1.
A more recent related study carried out by team from University of Adelaide included experts from Harvard Medical School and Boston Children's Hospital, that together examined the brain scans of infants who had died from SIDS within 7 days of being vaccinated. Please note the study’s lead author Dr Fiona Bright’s concluding statement because I believe it is very significant………
“They all seem to have some form of underlying vulnerability, exposing them to increased risk.”
As Dr Bright states, the evidence strongly suggests that children who develop autism, "all have some form of underlying vulnerability”. Could this be genetically inherited damage, causing some infants to be more susceptible to aluminium and mercury poisoning? The fact that vaccinated children display significantly higher levels of mercury biomarkers in their brain, blood, urine, baby teeth, hair, and nails also show the poison has become widespread.
The image above right, is one sample taken from the scans included in the University of Adelaide study comparing normal infant brain development to the relative lack of SIDS brain development shown on the left.
Note how the SIDS brain has significantly less well defined neural development, less defined neural pathways, less developed brain formation and relatively less well defined functional architecture, i.e. the brain’s working map, so to speak, than the control sample shown right.
Therefore might vaccines, such as Flu Jabs given to pregnant mothers, containing heavy metal levels far exceeding all adult recommended safety guidelines, and capable of passing through both the mother’s, and unborn infant’s blood brain barrier, together with the fact that most newborns receive the hepatitis B jab in spite of being 14X over the aluminium FDA recommended safety limits, perhaps be the “underlying vulnerability,” Dr Bright speaks of?
As Dr Exley’s research has demonstrated, the heavy metal poisonous deposits become trapped within the brain’s immune cells. This not only will keep the brain’s immune system primed, it will also hamper a vital process for normal brain development known as synaptic pruning. This process is especially important during an infant’s brain development because it also enhances the healthy neural pathways essential for speech, learning and movement etc., and for the brain to achieve maturity, or sadly not, as can be seen in the SIDS study above.
Why, soon after receiving vaccination do the more vulnerable infants undergo febrile seizures or fits?
Seizures and fits are capable of causing uncontrollable limb shaking or becoming completely rigid, all of which demonstrate the body’s innate powerful survival mechanisms in action, after which they lay exhausted or fall asleep. Alarming reactions that begin to make sense when viewed from a survival perspective, i.e. a powerful reactive survival muscular driven system, designed to protect the brain and spinal cord, the brain’s super-highway to the rest of the body. Simply put, because the brain and spinal cord control everything else, both delicate structures must be protected above all other functions - but usually at a cost.
The human body does not have numerous reflex survival responses to choose from, if it did, by the time it chose one it could be all over. That’s why the body’s innate powerful responses are pre-programmed even before we are born. These are instantaneous responses designed to compress and shorten the spinal column thus making it more solid and less vulnerable. The problem being that like the brain’s alarm system this mechanism can to a lesser degree remain active throughout life and why symptoms are usually tension related. For example in February 2017 the BBC released a documentary film about a drug trial that went wrong called the 'Elephant Man’, labelled so because of the initial gross disfigurement the drug experiment caused in all who took part in the vaccine trial.
The point to grasp is that everyone taking the drug displayed the same reactive sequence of survival-related reactions. For example, immediately following the injections, reactive fevers began in all participants, followed by crippling headaches, after which their bodies then began to arch, became rigid, as well as performing convulsing and contorting involuntary twisting and rolling movements. More or less the identical sequence of reactions known to occur in vulnerable infants following vaccination.
However in all cases the primary factor is the intensity of the response - not the mechanism, which always remains the same, a dominant tension-related system designed to protect the brain, brainstem and spinal cord that is also stress-related and as mentioned, remains active throughout life. Therefore we need to understand that the body’s stress responses do not just happen haphazardly, but instead are the the result of a dominant, hormonal triggered, sequence of tension-related muscular reflexes. A survival driven system capable of communicating with the brain even faster than normal nerve signals, and why we jump when frightened.
As just mentioned, depending on severity or chronicity, the same reactive-tension-stress-responses can become ‘locked-in’ or hardwired into the body’s working blueprint, so to speak. Vaccine damaged crippled, wheelchair bound children demonstrate this clearly, and why to a much lesser degree, stress-related tension is also capable of bringing about common everyday tension-related symptoms caused by increased spinal tension, i.e. the same reactive sequence of survival-related reactions discussed above; although not as intense are still capable of bringing about recurring symptoms such as headaches, depression, spinal, back, shoulder or knee problems, and why one shoulder drops and one leg will seem shorter, as well as other postural adaptations such as a head held forward or tilted to one side. Such common physical adaptations are not random or accidental but as mentioned pre-programmed before we are born and designed to pull the body and cranium into protective distortion, and cause recurring aches and pains, headaches and other related symptoms, such as brain fog, discussed further on.
Brain damage from injected vaccine aluminium trapped inside the brain
When one considers that only a tiny fraction of 1% of Americans have never received any form of vaccination, this means that a staggering 99.97% have, at some point been vaccinated. The fact that blanket vaccinations have been standard policy in the USA, the UK, and many other countries for decades, would also largely explain the current unprecedented number of chronically sick people in these countries. Most of which are suffering from autoimmune diseases and related brain damage, i.e. autism, mental issues, dementia, asthma, diabetes, skin problems, heart disease, gut disease, bowel disease and cancers, all of which have escalated dramatically following decades of mass vaccinations, and especially when one considers the dangerously high levels of neurotoxins, i.e. aluminium, mercury, and nano-tech contained in vaccines.
It is well known within the scientific community that heavy metals such as mercury and aluminium can, and do cause serious health problems, and therefore begs the question; why do so many routine vaccines, i.e. routine Flu vaccines, etc contain such dangerously high levels of mercury? Levels that far exceed all known safety level guidelines. If the maximum mercury safety level in drinking water is 2 parts per billion, and for ‘sealed’ toxic waste products, i.e. toxic labelled drums, 200 parts per billion, then why in spite of this, will medical doctors happily recommend, or even coerce their patients into receiving a ‘harmless’ flu jab without informing them they are about to inject directly into their blood stream mercury levels of at least 50,000 parts per billion.
There are countless studies all confirming that aluminium, like mercury, is highly toxic to brain tissue, and that it can readily pass through the brain’s protective blood-brain barrier, thus inducing reactive brain inflammation. In other words, any vaccine containing heavy metals such as aluminium and mercury will always induce to a greater or lesser degree some form of toxic reactivity within the brain’s chemistry, and especially in those with weakened immunity. This is why people often feel unwell after receiving a Flu shot and why infants can develop a fever, or even a seizure after a routine shot. But in spite of the scientific community’s evasive tactics - thanks to a growing number of expert researchers in the United Kingdom, France, Canada, Israel, the U.S.A. and elsewhere, there exists substantive evidence directly linking heavy metals such as aluminium and mercury to serious nerve and brain damage. Evidence that links both the dual escalations of autism in children and adult onset Alzheimer’s.
Researcher Dr. Oxley, Professor of Bio-inorganic Chemistry and widely known for his expertise in regard to the adverse health effects of toxic aluminium exposure is one of the world’s leading experts concerning aluminium toxicity. Dr. Oxley is also group leader of the Bio-inorganic Chemistry Laboratory at Keele University. A few years ago Dr. Exley and his team published their results in the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine Biology after studying the brain tissue in people who had died with autism. The study set out to measure the amount of aluminium trapped in the brain tissues of deceased donors with Autism, most of whom had died in their teens or twenties. What made the study so remarkable was the autistic brain tissue revealed some of the highest aluminium deposits levels ever recorded in human brains.
Levels so extreme, that according to Dr. Exley the study’s findings has alarming implications for entire generations of highly aluminium-vaccinated children in the years to come.
For example, the aluminium levels were particularly high in the male brains, such as a 15-year-old boy with Autism who was found to have had as much aluminium in his brain tissue as someone who should have been many decades older and had died of familial Alzheimer’s disease; see example shown below.
The aluminium deposits were found mostly in the brain’s immune cells, i.e. specialised microglia and glial cells, but unlike other brain cells, the microglia are dedicated immune cells, designed also to play a key role in a process known as ‘synaptic pruning’, a vital process that allows the brain to mature by causing the shedding of any weak or redundant neuronal connections, and vital during phases of cognitive development such as early childhood, adolescence and into the late 20s.
As Dr. Exley warns; “There are no ‘normal’ levels of brain aluminium”. Therefore it cannot be coincidental that according to the World Health Organisation, dementia has become the fastest growing disease, and main cause of death among the elderly. Over the same time period the number of autistic children has likewise risen from 1 in 10,000 to approx 1 in 25. In 2017 the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease published one of Dr. Exley’s research papers entitled: “Aluminium Should Now Be Considered a Primary Etiological Factor in Alzheimer’s“. Given that Alzheimer’s is currently being diagnosed in people in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, it is not unreasonable to assume a catastrophic new wave of Dementia may be just around the corner.
Furthermore, in 2015 Professor Changiz Geula together with a team of researchers from Northwestern University in Chicago, studied two types of elderly brains, i.e. brains with and brains without Alzheimer’s. The study also included brain tissue from people aged from 20 upwards for better comparison. What they found also came as a complete surprise, because not only was the brain tissue damage present in patients as young as 20, identical to Alzheimer’s in the elderly, the victims also had the classic indicator of Alzheimer’s, i.e. an accumulation of brain destroying amyloid plaques. In response Professor Changiz Geula commented: “Discovering that amyloid begins to accumulate so early in life is unprecedented.”
The fact that Professor Oxley’s research confirmed that aluminium deposits are found mostly in the brain’s immune cells, takes us neatly back to Dr Russel Blaylock, M.D. mentioned above, whose extensive research on this subject is based on a well established scientific fact, i.e. that when brain chemistry becomes imbalanced this causes a substance known as glutamate to increase and to become highly toxic. Especially when one considers that glutamate is the most abundant excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain and central nervous system and therefore is vital for healthy brain development and function.
Glutamate also plays a major role in shaping the pathways of learning and memory and must be present at the right concentrations in the right places at the right time. There are hundreds of research papers all confirming that heavy metal toxicity causes increased glutamate production and levels to rise within the brain. Normally the amount of glutamate neurotransmitter allowed to enter a nerve cell, excite and stimulate to achieve the response is tightly regulated, and afterward quickly cleared away.
But toxicity-induced altered brain chemistry will cause the brain’s glutamate levels to rise to levels that changes both its structure and function, and in doing so, to release harmful ‘excito-toxins’ and ‘immune’ cytokines. Both of which are known to be highly destructive compounds capable of passing through the brain’s protective barrier, i.e. in December 2016 the Journal of Neuroscience published a paper entitled; “Glutamate Induced Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability.” Journal of Neuroscience 7 December 2016, 36 (49) 12296-12298; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2962-16.2016
The fact Dr Exley’s work confirms that toxic aluminium heavy metal deposits are contained mostly within the brain’s immune cells also explains why the brain’s destructive inflammatory autoimmune responses can become ongoing. In other words, brain inflammatory reactions that become like an alarm system that can't turn off. This also explains why the brain damage often continues long after the initial poisoning, and why for decades we have been witnessing the increasing escalation of neurological, cognitive, mental and other related health problems.
Why do vaccine-damaged children and the elderly with dementia suffer not only similar internal reactive brain swelling, but also exhibit similar symptoms?
Because autoimmune reactive intracranial pressure is precent in both children and the elderly, could this also explain why many vaccine brain damaged children display symptoms similar to the elderly suffering from dementia? Such as loss of short term memory (learning difficulties in children), unsteady gait (poor coordination in children), impaired bladder control (bedwetting in children). One reason could well be that the brain tissue in both age groups is more vulnerable due to the fact that a child’s brain is still developing, while in the elderly the opposite is the case. This also might help explain why both groups display similar reactive internal brain swelling as well as similar related clinical symptoms
For example, the image above shows both age groups displaying similar physical changes inside the brain caused by reactive inflammatory (autoimmune response) pressure causing both the expansion and the distortion of the brain’s inner chambers or ventricles.
The ventricle expansion is best understood by keeping in mind that the brain, being mostly fat, is softer than the adjacent built up fluid pressure. Therefore under pressure, the brain tissue takes the path of least resistance which in this case causes the brain’s internal structures to expand. The reactive physical changes inside the brain are summed up in a formula known as ‘the Monro-Kellie hypothesis’ which states: “Any increase in volume of one of the cranial constituents, must be compensated by a decrease in volume of another."
This is because the inner chambers are where the cerebrospinal fluid is produced and normally where waste and debris are collected ready to be ‘flushed out’ as described above. But instead, as discussed, as the intracranial pressure builds within, the adjacent brain tissue becomes compressed leading to a triad of related symptoms such as short term memory loss, incontinence and poor coordination. In other words, as the ‘solid’ fluid pressure builds up, the brain’s softer cavities expand on the inside, and in doing so causes pressure to increase on the parts of the brain concerned with memory, problem solving, reason, speech, walking, and bladder control. Symptoms that have been increasingly evident in both the elderly and children for decades.
You may remember that earlier it was mentioned that there exists multiple studies confirming how microwave damage inhibits the brain’s electrical activity, and in particular causes damage to a structure deep inside the brain known as the hippocampus, also inside ventricles discussed above. The following is taken from research published in 2010 in The National Library of Medicine National Center for Biotechnology and confirms how increased intracranial pressure not only affects hippocampus function, the increased pressure on the hippocampus is also connected to “abnormal glutamate activity” as previously discussed with regard to retired neurosurgeon Dr Russell Blaylock’s research. The following is taken from the study’s abstract:
“Many hypertensive patients, suffer from cognitive decline long before they have any signs of cerebrovascular disease. This study examined the direct effects of blood pressure on neurotransmitter status in the hippocampus, a vulnerable cerebral structure relevant for memory consolidation. There is (also) an inverse relation between blood pressure and the concentration of hippocampal glutamate. Glutamate is essential for long-term potentiation, the neurobiological correlate for memory formation in the hippocampus. Thus, hypertension-associated cognitive decline may not only be mediated by structural atherosclerotic wall changes, but also by functional changes in neurotransmission.” End quote. Ref: J Hum Hypertens actions Search in PubMed 2011.
As mentioned previously upsetting the brain's glutamate balance causes a reactive inflammatory response and something known as 'excito-toxicity' which is directly linked to the intrinsic release of glutamate and summarised as follows; Toxic Insult > Brain Balance Disturbed > Brain inflammation + Excito-toxicity > Glutamate rise> Hippocampus and brain neural damage.
In other words, Autism and other forms of brain damage are primarily being caused by the overstimulation of two simultaneous naturally occurring systems when the brain is under threat - brain inflammation and excito-toxicity which leads to the glutamate proliferation damage, mentioned in the study above.
The Glutamate effect - the elephant in the room
Glutamate receptors are the most abundantly used neurotransmitter in the human brain by far. A neurotransmitter is the chemical released from one nerve cell to another i.e. the mechanism nerve cells use to communicate with one another to function and thrive! As well as glutamate receptors being the most abundantly used neurotransmitter in the human brain – they are also more widely used than all the other neurotransmitters combined.
As such glutamate receptors regulate 90% of brain cortex neurons and 50% of all neurons. They also regulate other neurotransmitters as well as interacting with immune receptors. This means glutamate receptors play a major role in foetal brain development and are therefore vital for effective neurotransmission from within the uterus up to and including the first two to three years of brain development. This also explains why disruption to this mechanism can and does cause so much ongoing brain damage in infants.
Even though glutamate is the most abundant neurotransmitter in the brain - it is also highly toxic. In the developing brain there are many types of glutamate receptors. Another very important factor is they have an intrinsic ability to adapt their level of sensitivity i.e. changing from hypersensitive to depressed sensitivity depending on the required function.
Vaccine toxic threat causes immune stimulation which in turn causes glutamate hypersensitivity; even tiny doses of glutamate will produce an impulse. As the overstimulation continues an overload of toxic glutamate causes the destruction of vital nerve cell neuro-transmission mechanism and its connections - thereby impairing normal brain formation. When the brain's immune system cells known as microglial cells become overstimulated such as from repeated exposure from vaccine toxic reaction this causes the microglial cells to secrete excito-toxins and immune-cytokins. Excito-toxins and immune-cytokins are destructive compounds known to cause abnormal brain development - a fact and confirmed by hundreds of research papers
The above represents just a tiny fraction of information and research available on these topics, but I hope this has been sufficiently informative to at least question the safety of routine vaccine health policies.
“Doctors need three qualifications: To be able to lie and not get caught, the pretence of honesty, and to cause death without guilt:” French Historian Jean Froissart 1337-1405. For more information, I suggest you start with ChildrensHealthDefense.org where you can access over 60 other studies comparing the vaccinated with the unvaccinated, all showing that the unvaccinated have dramatically better health.
If you want to know who controls you, look at what is never allowed to be criticised, questioned or debated.
Fake Science and False Credibility Based on Foundational Lies
The following is not anti-science, but when people are given lies presented as facts, sooner nor later those lies fall apart. Take climate change fear-mongering for example, to many scientists horror, at this year’s 2023 Climate Change Summit, Sultan Al Jaber, its President claimed: “There is ‘no science’ behind demands for phase-out of fossil fuels,” adding; “to phase-out of coal, oil and gas would take the world back into caves.” Like Covid fear mongering - so much for the science being settled.
As will become clear, we have all been seriously duped. Let’s begin with evolution, taught in every school and university as factual, when nothing could be further from the truth. Children are taught not to question or even to consider any other views other than the scientific, atheistic understanding. In other words, instead of education what we have is brainwashing sponsored by tax-funded state controlled indoctrination. All based on contrived, fake science and presented as facts, but unable to hold water when closely scrutinised - and why the same old “the science is settled’ nonsense is continually peddled.
The accepted scientific method to establish scientific truth, is it must be observable, i.e one of the key principles of the scientific method is that experiments must be repeatable, meaning that other researchers should be able to reproduce the same results using the same methods. None of which applies to evolution, because the theory is not based on any accepted scientific criteria; nevertheless is consistently presented as factual in all school textbooks. The result is they didn’t just kick out religion from schools they also kicked out Christianity and replaced it with relative humanism, dubious morality and materialism, thus blurring the lines between right and wrong.
One of the Ten Commandments is “Thou shall not bear false witness,” i.e. don’t lie. So let’s get one thing straight before we continue, it would take a very brave or foolish person to call Jesus a liar. Having established this foundational truth we should also take seriously what Jesus says concerning these matters, and especially as we are about to discuss evolution. Jesus spoke about hell as a reality, where people are completely separated from the goodness of God. Where there is constant howling and the grinding of teeth due to the pain, and from which there is no escape - ever. Now listen to what Jesus has to say about those who choose to lead children astray, or cause them to stumble, or lose faith due to false teaching. Teaching such as evolution and transgenderism, where boys are girls and girls are boys or even worse: “It were better for him that a millstone were hung about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones,” i.e to cause even one little one to stumble in their understanding. These are very sobering words, because what Jesus is saying is that it would have been better for these people to have never been born. Thankfully Jesus also said that truth is what sets people free. Therefore in a world of deceit finding truth must become our priority.
“A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaks lies shall not escape.” …….“These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: a lying tongue, A false witness that speaks lies,” Proverbs 19:5 & 6:16-19
Ernst Haeckel was an avid supporter of Darwin and his naturalistic theory of evolution, and in his haste to further the cause along, Haeckel drew depictions of embryos with a clear deceptive slant to indicate a common ancestry. He drew embryos “transitioning” in stages from fish, to amphibian, to mammal. His drawings helped the narrative of the ascent of species; however the drawings were discovered to be massively and intentionally deceptive. But in spite of being proven complete fakes, like the rest of so called evolutionary evidence, Haekel’s fraudulent evolutionary classification system of species remains the only classification allowed to be taught. So why do Haeckel’s drawings still remain the benchmark for evolutionary progression in all biology textbooks?
How can it be acceptable for teachers to use textbooks full of outdated and false information just to get students to believe their theory? It can only be that in their minds, because Haekel’s approach differs greatly from what the Bible teaches, obviously the Bible has to be wrong. Therefore who could argue against such people being punished for intentionally misleading vulnerable children? Especially when this can affect a child’s identity for the rest of their life. There is a huge difference between thinking you are just a cosmic accident, the result of accidental DNA adaptations from slugs to humanity, instead of being a child of the living God, born into a beautifully created, but sinful world. A father God who through the ages has made sure His Word remains available to those who wish to find truth, and to be set free. Unfortunately God’s word is being systematically wiped from the vast majority of people’s consciousness, and the farcical nonsense that is evolution, has played major role in this.
But Haeckel not only changed the drawings by adding, omitting, and changing features, he also fudged the scale to exaggerate similarities among species, even when there were 10-fold differences in size. Haeckel further blurred differences by neglecting to name the species in most cases, as if one representative was accurate for an entire group of animals.
“What Haeckel did was to take a human embryo and copy it, pretending that the salamander and the pig and all the others looked the same at the same stage of development. They don’t … These are fakes.” Ref; Nigel Hawkes, The Times (London), p. 14, 11 August 1997.
It was the similarity between early stages of development as described by Haeckel that helped to convince Darwin that all forms of life shared common ancestors. However Darwin considered Haeckel’s fake drawings as the proof he needed to substrate his theory. It seems that wishful thinking and gullibility have been the hallmark of evolutionists from the outset, and why circular thinking, discussed below, became the standard, but very limited thought process.
Evolution biology text books talk about the process of variation in speciation species as being caused by evolutionary biological adaptation and natural selection, a process that enables one species to mutate into another. But interbreeding dogs cannot produce elephants nor is there any evidence that such a thing has ever occurred. When a white person marries a coloured person their offspring will usually be a mixture of both, no matter how much interracial breeding occurs. Thankfully God has designed our genetics in such a way that humans are not capable of mutating into a different species. However, adaptive variation within a species can be seen to occur over time, but this does not equate to forming new species, such as birds arising from non-birds and humans from non-humans.
"Evolution is unproved and unprovable. (But) We believe it only because the only alternative is special Creation, and that is unthinkable:” Sir Arthur Keith, Scottish anatomist and strong supporter of Charles Darwin.
“And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind….,” Romans 1:28 “
“And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:” 2 Thessalonians. 2:11
Nevertheless the vast majority of our tax funded education system has successfully brainwashed generations of kids into believing evolution is a fact, because unfortunately all young children are unable to argue against it. Hence the widespread indoctrination of the masses into believing in only Godless ‘scientific’ origins, instead of reality. But when using real scientific analysis, i.e. looking at DNA, what is evident is that no mechanisms exist to allow for the changes necessary to bring about such adaptive mutations. In other words, there is absolutely no evidence of genetic progressive mutation, no scientific, observational or otherwise to substantiate the ‘theory.’ Therefore any claims that an entirely new creature can change into an entirely different kind is nothing more than fake science presented as fact. However as we shall see later, there is one particular branch of science that when seen for what it is, a big fat lie, everything else falls with it.
The Biblical perspective is radically different because it explains the fossil layers being formed during the year long flood described in Genesis. But in spite of the evidence, i.e. massive loss of life, resulting in all kinds of fossils, and the fact that the Great Flood has been recorded by literally hundreds of cultures worldwide, Darwin chose to see fossils, as proof of life ‘self-evolving.’ The same logic that applies to the Big Bang theory, where in spite of nothing equalling nothing, somehow nothing became everything? Nothing from nowhere instantly became incredibility intelligent, all commanding, self-organising ever expanding vast universe. This is why you will never see evolution or the Big Bang debated publicly, because they are too scared. This is because the big bang never happened, the age of the earth it is not billions of years old, the dinosaurs did not live millions of years ago and there were never any cavemen. They want to present just one view only, but this is indoctrination - not education.
It could be said that the undermining of God’s word began with James Hutton (1726-1796), following his book ‘Theory of the Earth’ claiming the earth is much older than most people thought. When describing the mechanism responsible for Hutton’s claim, he said that ‘uniformitarianism’ provided the answer. Uniformitarianism postulates that the Earth always changes in uniform ways and that the present is the key to the past. This at a time when the common belief was that the Earth was six thousand years old as recorded the Bible. It was also a revolutionary period in history: The American revolution, the French revolution, the Polish the Spanish, and the German revolutions. Countries that were revolting against ancient bloodline monarchy rulership, and were determined to establish democracies. A period of flux when increasing scientific discovery was also changing the way people viewed the world, thus paving the way for Darwinism - an event that represents a major turning point in human understanding and subsequent history.
If evolution is true - then why are monkey’s not changing into humans today?
Anybody that believes they evolved from a rock 4.6 billion years ago I would say is strongly deluded. Nobody is born that stupid, you need help to be that dumb. It takes years of training and conditioning to believe such blatant nonsense. Such as an education system that excludes all rational thought because it might lead to a more logical understanding, such as Creation. “…..all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.” But “For this they are willingly ignorant.” 2 Peter 3-5
Then in 1830, Charles Lyle wrote ‘The Principles of Geology’, thereby introducing the geologic column into the evolutionary argument. Throughout his book, Lyle’s hatred for the Bible is plain to see. He keeps referring to Scripture as ‘ancient doctrines’ and said that men of superior talent (talking about himself of course) who thought for themselves were not blinded by any Scriptural authority. In fact Lyle uses every opportunity to mock God’s word in his scientific writings. It's a known fact the earth has many layers of sedimentary rock, you can see them everywhere. But understanding how they got there is open to interpretation. One group says the layers formed slowly over millions of years, the other group says these layers are the result of a world-wide flood from the days of Noah. It's true that the earth has layers, that's not in question, but how did they get there?
“If there were a column of sediments deposited continuously since the formation of the earth, the entire history of the planet could be reconstructed. Unfortunately no such column exists, Where sediments are missing, a break in the sedimentary record occurs. Breaks result in gaps in the record that may range from a few years to hundreds of millions of years. Breaks in the sedimentary record are called unconformities.” Ref: HBJ. EARTH SCHEME 1989 P.326:
There is no geologic column, if there was it would have be a hundred miles thick. However the geologic column represents another major textbook lie. How could each layer remain static, while waiting patiently 10 million years at a time for the next layer to come along? It must have rained between every 10 million year period, so why are there no erosion marks between the layers? And why are there no soil layers between the rock layers? Soil always builds up on the top of rock, especially over ten million years so why are no soil layers present in Lyle’s geologic column theory?
“It has been claimed that the geological column is not just a hypothetical concept, but a reality, because all Phanerozoic systems (layers) exist at a number of locations on the earth. But close examination reveals, however, that even at locations where layers are present, the column, as represented by sedimentary-thickness, is mostly missing. In fact, the thickest local accumulation of rock is only a tiny fraction of the inferred 600-million year’s worth of depositions.” Ref: John Woodmorappe, "The Geologic Column: Does it Exist?" Creation Technical Journal, 13(2): 77-82, 1999.
In other words, Hutton’s 4 billion plus year old evolutionary geological column remains an unproven, hypothetical figment of his warped Godless imagination. A highly flawed theory purposefully thought up to augment Darwin’s theory, and all based on circular thinking. The argument that assumes the very thing it is trying to prove is true. Instead of offering evidence, it simply repeats the conclusion, rendering the argument logically incoherent.
I can vouch the following is a true story concerning a pastor’s daughter… ‘out of the mouth of babes’ so to speak:
“We came to the museum and a science teacher met us at the door. He said hey folks would you like me to give you a tour, we said that would be great. Well the first place we stopped on the tour was the geologic time chart. They had it all lit up behind glass as if it were holy and sacred. We were standing near the guide next to the chart when he said in a superior and sanctimonious manner; ‘now folks this layer of rock right here is about 70 million years old.’
My daughter was about 12 years old at the time and quickly raised her hand and said, ‘mister how do you know that layer is 70 million years old’? He said; ‘honey, that's a good question we can tell the age of the layers by what types of fossils we find in them, they're called index fossils; and by the way that's correct that's what the textbook says scientists use index fossils to determine the age of rock layer’s. She said. ‘thank you sir’.
Then we walked to the other side of the chart when the science guy pointed again to the chart and said ‘now folks these bones are about 100 million years old, but my daughter again raised her hand and said, ‘sir how do you know those bones are 100 million years old? He replied, honey we tell the age of the bones by which layer they came from’. To which my daughter responded, ‘sir when we were standing over there you told me you knew the age of the layers by the bones and now you're telling me you know the age of the bones by the age of geological layers?
She said isn't that circular reasoning? I thought wow, chip off the old block. He had the strangest look on his face, it was almost as if he were thinking. He looked at my daughter, then he looked at me, I wasn't about to help him, I thought wow this is going to be good. He looked back at my daughter, then he said, you're right that is circular reasoning, I’d never thought of that before. Afterwards he drove 50 miles to talk to me for an hour concerned that everything he believed about geology had been wrong. He said I teach this stuff at the college.” End quote.
"The intelligent layman has long suspected circular reasoning in the use of rocks to date fossils and fossils to date rocks. And "The geologist has never bothered to think of a good reply, feeling the explanations are not worth the trouble as long as the work brings results.” Ref J.E. O’Rourke, American Journal of Science 1976, 276:51.
“It cannot be denied that from a strictly philosophical standpoint geologists are here arguing in a circle. The succession of organisms has been determined by a study of their remains embedded in the rocks, and the relative ages of the rocks are determined by the remains of organisms that they contain.” Ref: “geology” Encyclopaedia Britannica. Vol 10 P168.
And that’s the basic problem, nobody thinks, most people are happy with the way things are - but at what price? God’s truth and your true identity as His highest creation no less. And because one lie leads to another, this means that: “Radiometric dating would not have been feasible if the geologic column had not been erected first.” Ref O'Rourke, J. E., "Pragmatism versus Materialism in Stratigraphy," American Journal of Science, vol. 276 (January 1976), p. 54
To quote Eldredge Niles, one of the most famous modern evolutionists: "Paleontologists cannot operate this way. There is no way simply to look at a fossil and say how old it is unless you know the age of the rocks it comes from….…”And this poses something of a problem: if we date the rocks by their fossils, how can we then turn around and talk about patterns of evolutionary change through time in the fossil record?” Eldredge, Niles, Time Frames: The Rethinking of Darwinian Evolution and the Theory of Punctuated Equilibria (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1985), p. 52
Exactly. Did you get that? The rationale and reliability for Radiometric/Carbon Dating is also based on circular reasoning. If the geologic column measurements are pure guesswork, which they undoubtably are, then how can carbon dating be accurate when it is based on the same millions of years evolution nonsense? Even Eldredge Niles, one of the most famous modern geology/evolutionists had to admit this poses a problem with regard to circular reasoning, and why scientists consistently refuse to debate or try to justify their illogical reasoning:"The charge of circular reasoning in stratigraphy can be handled in several ways. It can be ignored, as not the proper concern of the public. Or it can be denied, by calling down the Law of Evolution. It can be admitted, as a common practice..Or it can be avoided, by, pragmatic reasoning.” Ref: O’Rourke, J. E., "Pragmatism versus Materialism in Stratigraphy," American Journal of Science, vol. 2 \76 (January 1976), p. 54
When Fools are Given Credibility They Become a Liability: A 400 million year old very fishy tale?
Scientists believe that certain Lobe-Finned fish that existed 400 million years ago provide the most accurate Geological Fossil Index for that period. The coelacanth “was generally thought to be the ‘missing link’ between aquatic and terrestrial vertebrates.” For close to a century, evolutionists have taught that coelacanths, were the precursors of four-limbed animals (tetrapods) that first walked on land. They thought that because coelacanths had somewhat lobed shaped fins instead of rayed fins, the obvious deduction had to be they were sprouting arms and legs. Thus providing the proof that fish evolved into man and provided: “A glimpse of the fish that first walked on land.”
This was critical to evolutionists because the vertebrate sea-to-land transition is one of the most important steps in their story. But in 1938, Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer, a young South African museum curator, caught sight of a specimen among a fisherman’s trawl and knew it was special. With limb-like protuberances culminating in fins this strange fish was unlike anything she had ever seen. However the museum board members dismissed this important find because it did not make sense according to evolution. However when Marjorie eventually contacted Professor JLB Smith, he immediately identified the fish as a coelacanth. a species known to have lived 400 million years ago, and believed by scientists to be the evolutionary missing link, the very first creature to crawl out of the sea, no less.
In their minds the coelacanth clearly represented the Devonian Evolutionary Period. An imaginary period in the Earth’s history said to have dawned 400 million years ago. But after one of these fish had been caught in 1938, rather than rethinking the whole nonsense, the scientists came to the conclusion the species must have survived for 400 million years. The real tragedy is that it never dawned on them once to question the truth behind the geologic column. That thought never crossed their minds because you don't question the geologic column; it is holy and sacred. Just bury your head in the sand and hope no one notices and keep telling the kids he’s our own great, great, great uncle, 400 million times removed.
However even to the scientifically untrained there are two glaringly obvious problems - but clearly too complex for the scientific mind: the first being this discovery trashes the integrity of the Geographic Layer, and secondly, like all other supposedly evolving life forms, why is there no evidence of transitional species? Considering there are many hundreds of coelacanth in the sea, why have none continued to evolve, i.e. further developed more mammal like arms and legs etc?
Given the supposedly hundreds of millions of years, abundant evidence of gradual transitional evolutionary changes should be everywhere - and at at every level - and for every species. But nothing, not one piece of evidence, only past proven shameless fakes such as Lucy and Piltdown man etc.
According to an article in the Archaeology section of the UK Observer: “Piltdown Man is the British archaeology's greatest hoax, a ’cheap fraud', engineered by several eminent men, including Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.” The big-brained, ape-jawed Piltdown Man was hailed as a major missing link in human evolution when he was discovered in a gravel pit outside a small UK village in 1912. The find set the pace for evolutionary research for decades and established the United Kingdom as an important site in human evolution.
The only problem was that Piltdown Man turned out to be one of the most famous frauds in scientific history. A human cranium paired with the jaw and teeth of an orangutan
Some years ago the following headline appeared in the Science section of the UK Guardian Newspaper: “75-million-year-old dinosaur blood and collagen discovered in fossil fragments dug up in Canada 100 years ago” But according to Google, “Carbon-14 dating won't work on dinosaur bones, because it is only effective on samples that are less than 50,000 years old.” End quote. But we have been led to believe that dinosaur bones are millions of years old?
Therefore by their own criteria, how could blood and soft tissue be present in dinosaur bones if they really were millions of years old? Furthermore, why are fossilised human hands also found in the same rock strata as dinosaur bones? Again it’s pure baloney.
Let’s take another example. Why all over the world and throughout all sediment layers are petrified trees standing erect through multiple geological layers? According to Google: “The occurrence of preserved, upright trees led to the recognition that some rock beds were deposited rapidly.”
In other words, the many geological layers are far more likely to have been formed by the Great Flood, for which there is overwhelming evidence; such as in coal mines for example, from forests of petrified trees. Especially as it has been long proven that petrification does not require long periods of time to occur; and which there is far more evidence than the hypothetical billions of years version. For example, the petrified leg discovered still inside a cowboy boot in 1980 near the West Texas town of Iran. Scans clearly show leg and foot bones petrified within the boot. NB A complete set of the scans can be found on display at the Creation Evidence Museum, Glen Rose, Texas.
So let’s just take a moment to consider this: How long can a dead tree remain standing before decay causes it to fall down? 10 million years perhaps? Of course not. Something that would be obvious to any fool. But this is how the scientific community responded in their pitiful attempt to solve this dilemma: 1. ”The trees stood upright for millions or years while the sediment layers formed around them.” 2. ”The trees grew through hundreds of feet of solid sedimentary rock looking for sunlight.”
Apparently considering the third more likely explanation provided by Google, i.e. the fact they have been “preserved, upright led to the recognition that some rock beds were deposited rapidly,“ i.e. flowing waters that would leave the trees standing according to the Genesis Flood. But it seems this required thought processes that are beyond them. Therefore one cannot help but feel short changed when considering the ivory tower tax-funded cosy lifestyle these people have made for themselves. Even more so when one considers it is a lifestyle based on lies, smoke and mirrors.
Even though the geologic column does not exist (except in the textbook and in the minds of those who believe it), the consequence of accepting ‘science’ as truth resulted in people living in the 1800’s changing their world view from the Biblical flood rationale to accepting the new geological evolutionary story. The consequences of which are still reverberating throughout humanity as more and more have deserted the Biblical narrative.
Darwin wrote in his book ‘Origin of Species’: “It is a truly wonderful fact that all animals and all plants throughout all time and space should be related to each other.” (P 170) But what he was really saying was that birds and bananas are genetically related, and coined the term micro-evolution to describe this process. However as mentioned above, like any other species, dogs may interbreed but they will always reproduce some variety of a dog. Nobody argues about that; you may get a big dog or a little dog but you get a dog every time, and that’s a fact. The gene pool of the new variety is more limited than before and less able to adapt to future changes. For example little Chihuahuas cannot produce Great Danes, i.e. genetic information was lost not added. To quote Matthew Binns, Animal Health Trust: “It looks as it 95% of ALL current dogs come from just three original founding females.”
"Natural selection may have a stabilising effect, but it does not promote speciation. (changing of species) It is not a creative force as many people have suggested.” Daniel Brooks "A downward Slope to Greater Diversity.” Ref; Science, Vol. 217, 24 September 1982, p. 1240
Real evolution would require an increase in genetic complexity not just a shift in gene frequency. This is why roses can be naturally interbred but the end result will always be a rose. Most evolutionists will tell you that macro-evolution is just micro-evolution, the same ‘change over time’ argument but over longer periods of time. But no new species genetic information is ever added, but in fact as just mentioned, this always leads to loss of genetic information, so how can evolution be possible? The whole concept equates at best to an unprovable childish notion, and at worst an outright fraud resulting in disastrous consequences. Now note the following quote taken from a conference in the early 80’s: Ref; "Evolution Theory Under Fire” on this very subject by its author Roger Lewin:
"The central question of the Chicago conference was whether the mechanisms underlying microevolution can be extrapolated to explain the phenomena of macroevolution. ... the answer can be given as a clear, No.” End quote. Ref Science vol 210, Nov. 21, 1980, p. 883.
A variation in species, Yes. A change in species, No. Once again Science has no answers. Dogs do not become pink or learn to fly, each kind will always produce the same kind of animal or plant. That is not evolution because the information for variations was already present. The whole point is that you will get varieties but they're always limited to the species. The are eight bear species, but bears will always reproduce bears. Likewise broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and Brussel sprouts all share the same common ancestry. It’s called a plant. Now you tell me, how did plants somehow become people? Survival of the fittest cannot not explain the arrival of the fittest.
"Natural Selection can act only on those biologic properties that already exist; it cannot create properties in order to meet adaptational needs.” Parasitology, 6th ed. Lea & Febiger, p. 516.
How does it go? From nothing to Big Bang, then while spinning at a thousand miles an hour within a Godless, but phenomenally intelligent and vastly expanding universe, a bolt of lightening suddenly hits a puddle of lifeless mud thus causing the original spark of life. An isolated spark that accidentally became the basis for all other life forms. From plants to humans, life forms of such complexity that not one scientist has shown themselves clever enough to reproduce even one tiny part of this wildly imagined process. Evolutionists want you to believe that their theory has been long proven, but who in their right mind would trust a bunch of fraudsters and liars who have consistently shown themselves more than happy to promote unsubstantiated nonsense in order to further their Bible denying agenda?
Where are all the remains of the zillions of intermediary species that would be in evidence everywhere if Darwin’s nonsense were true? Even he admits it: ”If my theory about slow gradual changes be true, numberless intermediate varieties.. must assuredly have existed;” Ref; Charles Darwin The Origin of Species... 1859 p. 211
"I fully agree with your comments on the lack of evolutionary transitions in my book. If I knew of any, fossil or living, I would certainly have included them. I will lay it on the line, but there is not one such fossil.” Ref; Dr. Colin Paterson, Senior Paleontologist, British Museum of Natural History in correspondence to Luther Sunderland quoted in Darwin's Enigma 1988 p. 89
To briefly summarise: Hutton's book, Theory of the Earth, published in 1795, made people doubt the earth was 6000 years old. Lyell's book, Principles of Geology, published in 1830, made people doubt the flood. And Darwin's book, The Origin of Species published in 1859, made people doubt the Creator.
This is what led directly to the rise of Godless Communism, Marxism, Socialism and New Age religions. Evolution is not proven science. Evolution is a religion in every sense of the word, so much so that it has caused countless Christians to abandon their faith. It was Hitler who said, “let me control the textbooks I'll control the state.”
Growing up in a Christian family Moses Mordecai Marx Levy alias "Karl Marx," at age 17, wrote a beautiful paper telling of his love for the Lord. While earlier generations of the Marx family had been rabbis, the young Karl Marx was officially baptised as a Protestant, and well grounded in knowledge of Christianity. Marx also said that he wanted to serve God with his life. But after going off to college he read Darwin’s book and subsequently became an evolutionist and atheist. As did comrade Stalin, a man known to have killed between 60 and 100 million of his own people. It is no coincidence that "75% of all children raised in Christian homes who attend public schools will reject the Christian faith within their first year of college. Ref Video-Let My Children Go: jeremiahfilms.com
As mentioned at the outset, they didn’t just kick religion out of schools, they also kicked out Christianity and replaced it with relative humanism, dubious morality and materialism, and without any tangible evidence or scientific proof. The theory of gradual evolution is based on faulty assumptions for which there is no evidence. Such as a 400 million year old fish mentioned above, that according to evolution should by now be walking on two legs. The whole thing is absurd. It is one thing to be so deluded that lying is the only way to appear credible, but to expect the taxpayer to pay your salary while deliberately lying to their children goes way beyond what any right minded person would consider acceptable. They do not teach our children to think critically, because what we have is a Soviet style brainwashing to make them believe something that is clearly not true.
Haeckel lied, his own university convicted him of fraud. When tried by the Jena University Court, and convicted, he confessed: "A small percent of my embryonic drawings are forgeries; those namely, for which the observed material is so incomplete or insufficient as to fill inane reconstruct the missing links hypothesis and comparative synthesis.”….."I should feel utterly condemned...were it not that hundreds of the best observers, and biologists lie under the same charge.” Ref; Records from the University of Jena trial in 1875.Dr. Edward Blick, Blick Engineering.
Therefore by any sane standard and considering the enormity of the subject matter, Haeckel’s biogenetic laws should be as dead as a doornail, having been proven fraudulent since 1875. So why is it still being presented as fact?
But in spite of being found to be a fraudster and a liar, Haeckel’s drawings were widely promoted throughout all Europe, and accepted as the proof the scientific community needed. After which natural selection was seen as the key to all human progression and seemingly explained why some races of humans appeared to be further evolved. The next logical step therefore would be to identify the genetically superior races, and to discourage reproduction in those considered inferior.
Guess who the Germans thought which race was genetically superior? The rest is history. Hitler singled out the idea of biological evolution as the most forceful weapon against traditional religion and the elimination of lower human species. "The German Fuhrer ... has consistently sought to make the practice of Germany conform to the theory of evolution.” Ref; Evolution and Ethics 1947, Sir Arthur Keith p, 230
He believed that the Germans were the superior race and therefore deserved to rule the world: ”I have the right to exterminate an inferior race that breed like the vermin." Adolf Hitler Creation Magazine vol. 18, 1, p.9. In 1936 the German Supreme Court refused to recognise Jews living in Germany as persons in the legal sense. Ref: Ernst Fraenkel, The Dual State: A Contribution to the Theory of Dictatorship 1941 p. 95
"Evolution has been promoted by its practitioners as more than mere science. It is promulgated as an ideology, a secular religion a full-fledged alternative to Christianity….the literalists are absolutely right, evolution is a religion.” Ref; Dr. Michael Ruse, professor of philosophy and zoology at the University of Guelph www.omniology.com/HowEvolutionBecameReligion
Hitler's book ‘Mein Kampf’ is full of racist philosophy. He was captivated by evolutionary thinking, probably since the time he was a boy. In fact evolutionary ideas formed the basis in many of his pubic speeches. The same twisted mindset that sees an unborn child as simply a mass of cells, without worth, soul or spirit, thus making the killing that child somehow acceptable? Like Hitler’s superior gene justification, evolution also uses the same disregard for human life as the best way to "scientifically" justify abortion.
Although currently headed and funded by ‘vaccinate the whole world’ Bill Gates, it was Margaret Sanger who in 1916 founded ‘Planned Parenthood’, in order to eliminate what she thought were, "inferior races like Orientals, Jews and Blacks." Sanger referred to them as "human weeds.” She died an alcoholic and drug addict. Ref: Passport Magazine July 1988 p. 6
On Sept 11, 2001, about 3,000 Americans were killed, supposedly by terrorists. After which the US government spent billions trying to hunt them down and kill them. On the same day 4,500 unborn Americans were killed by abortionists, and this has continued every day ever since. From conception until birth the baby adds 15,000 cells per minute to its body. Each cell is more complex than a space shuttle. But nobody says a word.
In 1973 the US Supreme Court ruled in ‘Roe v. Wade’ that ”the word 'person' as used in the 14th Amendment, does not include the unborn.” In terms of depopulation, this has meant that in addition to medically related deaths (which in the US far exceeds deaths in wars) to famines etc, since the 1970s over one billion babies have been aborted in the West. At the Nuremberg trials the Nazis claimed they did nothing wrong or illegal, but were just obeying orders. However this did not prevent them from being found guilty and hanged. The point being, there is a much higher law than Germany's law - it’s called God's law. Ref: Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 158 (1973)
“These six things doth the LORD hate,, A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood:” Prov. 6:16-17…….“Cursed be he that taketh reward to slay an innocent person. And all the people shall say, Amen.” Deut. 27:25
The “Hand of Hope”
In Genesis 16:11, Does God say: “And the angel of the Lord said, Behold thou art with fetus and shalt bear a son? No, what God’s word says is, “Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son,”
Samuel Alexander, a 21 week old (less than 5 months) baby, still in the womb, can be seen grabbing the doctor's finger during surgery. The photograph was taken by Michael Clancy during open fetal surgery, showing the hand extending from the incision in the mother's uterus and grasping a surgeon's finger. The operation was performed by a surgical team at Vanderbilt University in Nashville. The team, Dr. Joseph Bruner and Dr. Noel Tulipan, had been developing a technique for correcting certain fetal problems in mid-pregnancy. Their procedure involved temporarily opening the uterus, draining the amniotic fluid, partially extracting and performing surgery on the tiny fetus, and then restoring the fetus to the uterus back inside the mother.
“Oh what a tangled web we weave - when first we practice to deceive”
"To suppose that the eye...could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree." Charles Darwin 1859
Theory of evolution has also stifled medical understanding. This is because allopathic medicine (abortionists and drug doctors) and evolution go hand in hand, and also explains why, in spite of countless billions being given through taxation etc. to the industry, with regard to functional anatomy these doctors remain completely clueless. If they knew how to accurately diagnose and carry out procedures that bring about self-healing (without which there is no healing) they would have more to offer than poisonous vaccines and drug addiction. Not to mention the fact that all drugs and vaccines come with side effects, many of which can be life changing and/or deadly.
According to Darwin, the body has evolutionary remnants such as the appendix, a part of the gut that was once critical for survival, but became non-functional over time. As a result biologists regard the appendix as a vestigial organ left over from our supposedly herbivorous ancestors. This is why medical and school textbooks that teach the appendix merely vestigial and that you don't need it anymore. Nonsense, your appendix is an important part of your immune system, it is a small, finger like projection from the large intestine on the lower right. One important function being that it acts as a reservoir for good bacteria, thus strengthening immune function and integrity.
"The appendix is required to activate killer B cells in your immune systems like your thyroid activates "T" cells.” Ref: Dr. Ron Allard drronallard@yahoo.com
As shown above, the appendix also functions as a lymphoid organ, thereby assisting with the maturation of B-lymphocytes by exposing them to the wide variety of foreign bodies (antigens) present in the gut. When one considers that healthy gut bacteria and gut lining are king when it come to immune function, like the rest of what Darwin thought and taught, the results have been disastrous for humanity. We know people can live without their appendix, in the same way you can live without both your legs, but that does not prove you don't need them. It does not alter the fact that after the appendix has been removed, vulnerability to all disease must increase: "Its removal also increases a persons susceptibility to leukaemia, Hodgkin's disease, cancer of the colon, and cancer of the ovaries.” Ref: In The Beginning Walt Brown p. 18
There are no vestigial organs, but if there were, would this not indicate the opposite of evolution, i.e losing - not gaining? In fact everything science has claimed as "evidence" used for evolution has been proven wrong or fake. If amphibians evolved before mammals, why do some amphibians have 5 times more DNA than mammals and some amoebae have 1000 times more DNA? There are no “missing links” because the whole chain is missing!
"The absence of fossil evidence for intermediary stages…has been a persistent and nagging problem for... evolution.” Dr. Stephen J. Gould, Evolution Now p. 140 Professor at Harvard University in Boston
“Evolution is unproved and unprovable. We believe it only because the only alternative is special creation, and that is unthinkable.” Sir Arthur Keith - forward to the 100th anniversary edition of Darwin's book, Origin of Species, 1959.
"Evolution is not a fact. Evolution doesn't even qualify as a theory or as a hypothesis. It is a metaphysical research program, and it is not really testable science." Dr. Karl Popper-leading philosopher of science.
"Scientists who go about teaching that evolution is a fact of life are great con-men, and the story they are telling maybe the greatest hoax ever. In explaining evolution we do not have one iota of fact.” Dr. T. N. Tahmisian, a physiologist for the Atomic Energy Commission, USA
But according to Richard Dawkins, "It is absolutely safe to say that if you meet someone who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is ignorant, stupid or insane (or wicked,)” Ref: Richard Dawkins Put Your Money on Evolution, New York Times April 9, 1999 p. 35
They lie firstly because they think that if everyone believes evolution it will become true. Secondly they have to keep teaching lies to keep the pay checks coming in, and thirdly, whether they understand the bigger picture or not, evolution has become the foundation for the coming Godless New World Order. As a result they are simply incapable or willing to think outside the box. Such as the other feasible option, i.e. Creation and that evolution never happened. Such thoughts never seem to dawn on them. But I suppose if you’re being paid to think stupid, why change?
“Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” …. “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:” 2 Timothy 3:7 & 2 Thes. 2:11:
Einstein - Clever Conman or Genius? Mathematics or Mythematics?
What about the so-called genius of our time, Albert Einstein? What did he, and other eminent scientists have to say that would substantiate the earth spinning at a thousand miles an hour? In a word, nothing. Ask yourself, why with such advanced technology have no satellites ever shown pictures of our earth spinning at great speeds? Also, who or what is filming the toy spacecraft we see roaming around Mars? Or how did the camera team get to the moon first in order to film the 1969 landing? And why did all the technical data that enabled the (fake) moon landing, as well as all the original moon landing footage somehow get carelessly lost?
Obviously the cleaner emptied the wrong drawer. Because apparently losing this data is the main reason NASA has not been able to return. Such complex technology you see, as can be seen from the space craft below.
“…to the question of whether or not the motion of the Earth in space can be made perceptible in terrestrial experiments, we have already remarked that all attempts of this nature led to a negative result. Before the theory of relativity was put forward, it was difficult to become reconciled to this negative result.” Physicist, Albert Einstein
"A great deal of research has been carried out concerning the influence of the Earth's movement. The results were always negative.” Physicist, Henri Poincaré
"We can't feel our motion through space, nor has any physical experiment ever proved that the Earth actually is in motion." Historian, Lincoln Barnett
"Thus, even now, three and a half centuries after Galileo...it is still remarkably difficult to say categorically whether the earth moves…" Physicist, Julian B. Barbour
At this point let us get one thing very clear; in spite of the enormous technical and financial resources available to NASA, and the Vatican’s telescope called Lucifer (go figure), no government or any other scientific body has ever been able to prove movement of the earth. Zero - Nix proof.
But thankfully, like evolution, there is sufficient evidence to debunk this nonsense - a small part of which is included in the following, and why truth will be especially important with regard to understanding the coming fake Alien deception.
Without Einstein’s calculations informing us that speed, supposedly, will cause matter to curve in space, the scientific community would not have become so emboldened or received untold billions from taxpayers. In essence, like Haeckel’s fake embryo drawings, Einstein’s job was to make up a theory in an attempt to prove something that was supposed to be scientific fact. Except it still remains just theory. Bottom line, this has always been physics for the gullible and lazy, a clever veneer based on mythematics, but unable to stand up to observable evidence.
Einstein admitted as much himself; he needed a bit of a 'fudge’ factor. But the crucial problem of Einstein's theory of relativity is that the relative spacetime (length contraction and time dilation) is not true, because the relative spacetime calculations are based on a false concept.
To get something proven ‘scientifically’ is not that hard; as always, follow the money as he who pays the piper calls the tune. Pharmaceutical companies do not pay doctors and scientists bags of money to get negative results, especially results that could jeopardise such a profitable drug market. All that is required is to hire stooge scientists, as became evident with Covid19, and such as Dr Plotkin, the dangerously incompetent, but world leading vaccine expert (See Criminally exempt WHO in part 3) to come up with the right scientific model.
When Einstein was asked how it felt to be the smartest man alive, his reply was, "I don't know, you'll have to ask Nikola Tesla.” Tesla was no fake. He was the real deal, and knew the truth about the earth’s shape and position, something that was essential to his groundbreaking, but since hidden work.
“when you see that the structure is correlated with the plane of the earth around the sun. That would say we are truly the centre of the universe” ~ Lawrence Krauss
"This bypothesis (of a central Earth) cannot be disproved, but it is unwelcome and would onlv be accepted as a last resort” - Edwin Hubble “You cannot disprove the geocentric model You can only exclude it on philosophical grounds ~ George F. R. Ellis
Both Edwin Hubble and Stephen Hawkins admitted that they reject the geocentric model, but not based on any scientific evidence or reasoning, but rather because they found the thought of being at the centre of the universe to be “emotionally disturbing.”
The Michelson-Morley experiment in 1887 proved the Earth was stationary. Albert Michelson and Edward Morley compared the speed of light in varying directions in an attempt to detect the relative motion of matter through the aether. But found there was no difference in the speed of light in the varying direction as would be expected if the earth were moving. Thus demonstrating a stationary Earth.
Even Einstein admitted: ”I have come to believe that the motion of the Earth cannot be detected by any optical experiment.” Albert Einstein even referred to the geocentric model as a “serious embarrassment” and tried to disprove it his relativity theory, but like the Big Bang, Evolution, Gravity, Theory of Relativity and the spinning world model, they all remain unproved theories. Most of which is based on proven fake evidence and ingenious mythamatices. Einstein later admitted he had failed to disprove the geocentric model.
If the earth really is spinning at a thousand miles an hour why doesn’t it feel like it? If the earth were spinning at such phenomenal speeds how do satellites keep up with an earth spinning 1000 mph? Another obvious fact is how could an airplane land on a runway spinning at a thousand miles an hour beneath it?
Fake Climate Change Science? Surely not
Top Scientist Confesses that ‘Climate Change Crisis’ is part of a Depopulation Scam
Dr. Judith Curry a leading climatologist has published over 140 scientific books and papers. She was also previously engaged with the World Economic Forum (WEF) but has since blown the whistle by openly confessing that the WEF's environmental agenda is merely a guise for depopulating the planet under the pretence of ecological preservation.
Once a prominent figure in climate research, Dr. Curry admits to fabricating her studies, used to falsely link climate change to an increase in severe weather events. Her involvement in climate science has had significant influence, often cited by others within the field, adding gravity to her recent confession and the allegations against the WEF's motives. Dr Curry is by no means a ‘lone voice.’ There are in fact very many other scientists who have also seen through this scam, but are never allowed a public voice.
Whatever happened to the Ozone Layer Doomsday scenerio? Or that we would all be drowned by the year 2,000 due to the fact that all the glaciers would have melted by now. Apart from the lies, just think how much money they have managed to steal from us using such highly profitable scams. From Pharmaceuticals to NASA, fake science is also very profitable. See Part 6 ‘always follow the money.’
REF:https://twitter.com/jimfergusonuk/status/1737116828747583785?s=48&t=IqA-mQPkMsUeqbMkv1HY-Q (#WEF #WEF2030Agenda #DepopulationAgenda #ExcessDeaths #mRNA #VaccineInjuries #Myocarditus #FreedomTrainInternational #GlobalResistance)