Since graduating in 1983 Dr Luis Alicea has been in private practice and Neural Integration is the culmination of treating over twelve thousand patients, and continuous research over this period. The methods employed are an adaptation of numerous, well established, proven and relatively gentle chiropractic techniques, most of which are not in common use today. Therefore treatment protocols do not resemble chiropractic as most people have come to recognise it.
I am particularly grateful to my mentor and friend, the late Dr Carl Ferrari from New York for his teaching and continued support in my early years. The primary aim of Neural Integration being to specifically address the cause/s of chronic pain and other neural related symptoms, and to bring about regenerative self healing, thus promoting health restoration naturally, logically, and on purpose.
Introduction (Home page)
Part 1: About Neural Integration - Unlocking the Body’s Innate Potential for Self Healing
Part 1: PDF Download
Part 2: Incompetence or Intent?
Part 2: PDF Download
Part 3: Who in their right mind would trust WHO? & Government Collusion
Part 3: PDF Download
Part 4: Vaccine Related Health Damage and 5G Implications
Part 4: PDF Download
Part 5: Studies Showing The Unvaccinated are Healthier & Fake Science
Part 5: PDF Download
Part 6: The Hidden Hands of the Puppeteers
Part 6: PDF Download
Part 7: The Great Reset or A Great Awakening?
Part 7: PDF Download
Part One: Discusses Neural Integration the logic and method, click on ‘About Neural Integration’ above to open. Parts Two to Seven discuss the reasons behind the widespread health damage and excess deaths caused by the Covid vaccines, and the ongoing epidemic of medically induced mental & physical health issues. To those naive enough to believe that all vaccines are “safe and effective” I would strongly suggest you read the data showing the millions of excess deaths and vaccine related damage, and the end of Part 2 regarding a vital debate held in Parliament on April 18th 2024. After which any critical thinking person should be left in very little doubt.
I have been treating vaccine damaged babies, children and adults throughout my career and can state unequivocally that I, like many other physicians and health care professionals, are in no doubt that vaccines can and do cause serious mental and physical health problems. If vaccines do no harm then why have billions been paid to so many families as compensation?
Ending the epidemic of chronic illness: Robert F Kennedy Jr 2025
If the current approach to health care is claimed to be the best that science can offer, then why are people in developed nations so seriously unhealthy? Nations like America whose populations receive almost 100% of the recommended regular vaccinations, and where approximately 66% of all adults take prescription drugs regularly to suppress ongoing symptoms for chronic illnesses? A pattern similarly mirrored in the UK, and where its politicians are also in bed with Big Pharma.
President Trump: ”For too long, Americans have been crushed by the industrial food complex and drug companies who have engaged in deception, misinformation, and disinformation when it comes to Public Health. The Safety and Health of all Americans is the most important role of any Administration, and HHS (Dept Health and Human Services) will play a big role in helping ensure that everybody will be protected from harmful chemicals, pollutants, pesticides, pharmaceutical products, and food additives that have contributed to the overwhelming health crisis in this Country. Mr. Kennedy will restore these Agencies to the traditions of Gold Standard Scientific Research, and beacons of transparency, to end the chronic disease epidemic, and to Make America Great and Healthy Again!”
Taken from a statement on Truth Social, and why he has appointed Robert F Kennedy Jr to oversee the Department of Health and Human Services. Nephew of U.S. president John F. Kennedy and Senator Ted Kennedy, Robert F Kennedy Jr is also known by his initials RFK Jr., politician, environmental lawyer, author and anti-vaccine activist, RFK Jr was born January 17, 1954, and began his career as an assistant district attorney in New York City. The following quotes are taken from a recent speech given to the Senate Confirmation Hearing in January 2025:
“Why are health care costs so high in the first place? The obvious answer is chronic disease.The CDC says that 90% of healthcare spending goes toward managing chronic disease, and hits lower income Americans the hardest. The President's pledge is not to make some Americans healthy again, but to make all Americans healthy again…..We will bring together all stakeholders in pursuit of this unifying goal. My journey into the issue of health began with my career as an environmental attorney working with hunters and fishermen and mothers in the small town in the Hudson Valley and along the Hudson River. I learned very early on that human health and environmental injuries are intertwined, for example the same chemicals that kill fish also make people sick. Today American’s overall health is in a grievous condition with over 70% of adults and a third of children overweight or obese. Diabetes is 10 times more prevalent than it was during the 1960s, and cancer among young people is rising. Autoimmune diseases, neuro-developmental disorders, alzheimer’s, asthma, ADHD, depression, addictions and a host of other physical and mental health conditions, some of which are exponentially on the rise.
The United States has the worse health of any other developed Nation, yet we spend more on healthcare, at least double, and in some cases triple as other countries. Last year we spent $4.8 trillion, not counting the indirect costs of missed work. That's almost a a fifth of GDP, and equivalent to a 20% tax on the entire economy. No wonder America has trouble competing with countries that pay a third of what we do for health, and have better outcomes and a healthier workforce. I don't want to make this too much about money, (because) it’s the human tragedy that moves us to care. President Trump has promised to restore America's global strength and to restore the American dream, but he understands that we can't be a strong nation when our people are so sick. A healthy person has a thousand dreams, (but) a sick person has only one. Today over half of our countrymen and women are chronically ill. When I met with President Trump last summer I discovered that he is more than just concerned for this tragic situation, and genuinely cares. President Trump is committed to restoring the American dream and seventy seven million Americans delivered a mandate to him to do just that. I promised President Trump that I will do everything in my power to put the health of Americans back on track.
Before I conclude I want to make clear that in spite of news reports, I'm not anti-vaccine (but) I am Pro safety vaccine. {Applause} I have worked for years to raise awareness about the mercury and (related) toxic chemicals. I’ve written many books on vaccines, and wrote my first book in 2014. In my advocacy I've often disturbed the status quo by asking uncomfortable questions, well I’m not going to apologise for that. We have massive health problems in this country that we must face honestly, and the first thing I've done every morning for the past 20 years is to get on my knees and pray to God that he would put me in a position to end the chronic disease epidemic, and to help America’s children. That's why I'm so grateful to President Trump for the opportunity to sit before you today….” END
NB Robert F Kennedy Jr is also the founder, and former chairman and chief litigation counsel, for ‘Children’s Health Defense; A nonprofit activist group that has filed nearly 30 Federal and State lawsuits since 2020, many challenging vaccines and public health mandates.
RFK Jr’s reputation as a resolute defender of the environment stems from a litany of successful legal actions. He was named one of Time Magazine's “Heroes for the Planet” for his success helping the Riverkeeper project lead the fight to restore the Hudson River.
Autism, like dementia can be a condition of slow progression, and like dementia, the severity of both diseases varies from patient to patient, but usually the ability to communicate with others is always affected. Note also the related dementia mortality rate is now the major cause of death in the elderly, increasing by almost 150% in the past 20 years, i.e, 1 in 3 adults will die from Alzheimer's or another form of dementia. The question therefore is why are brain diseases among the more vulnerable, ie developing and aging brains, reaching epidemic proportions? With regard to autism, a secret CDC Meeting held in 2017, at Simpsonwood was convened to compare the health outcomes of babies and children who had received vaccinations from the day of birth, as well as children who had received vaccination after 60 days of life, in contrast to children that did not receive any vaccinations.
What they found, but decided to keep secret so as to cover up the vaccine related mercury dangers to brain development, was that the children who had received vaccination had a staggering 1135% greater chance of being diagnosed with autism, when compared to those that did not receive vaccinations.
There are studies also consistently showing that boys are much more likely to be diagnosed with autism than girls, and that poor and black children are at a higher risk.
But the trend, like dementia among the elderly, continues unabated. For example, since 2017 autism among American children and teens, like the UK, has surged by a further 50%. See Part 6: Vaccine Heavy Metal Brain Damage & Studies Showing the Unvaccinated are far Healthier. Ref: to download: The-Simpsonwood-Documents.pdf
The much maligned Dr Andrew Wakefield is among the most controversial figures in autism circles. His research regarding whether the Mumps-Measles-Rubella (MMR) vaccine has caused the escalation and ongoing epidemic of brain damage labelled autism has created a huge rift.
Dr. Wakefield is an academic gastroenterologist (digestive system specialist) and surgeon with a special interest in inflammatory diseases. Born in Britain in 1957, he was educated in Canada and became a physician at the Royal Free Hospital in London. Early in his career, Wakefield made an important contribution to medical research when he identified the cause of Crohn's disease, a major gastrointestinal illness, as decreased blood flow to the intestines. Soon after this discovery, Wakefield began digging into the question of whether it was measles virus from the MMR vaccine that caused the blockage of blood flow leading to Crohn's.
In 1995, Dr. Wakefield was approached by a group of parents who told him that their children had become autistic following the MMR vaccine. They asked him to look into a possible connection, after parents saying, “my child was perfectly fine until they received the MMR vaccine and that they either had seizures, or slept for three days and never woke up, or that the light had gone from their eyes, in addition to loss of speech and social interaction etc, Dr Wakefield subsequently agreed to do so.
In fact he was one of the first to make the connection between post vaccine reactive bowel inflammation and what has since become an epidemic of "leaky gut syndrome, or “increased gut permeability.” A leaky gut has also been widely linked to many of the following possible symptoms: chronic diarrhoea, constipation or bloating, nutritional deficiencies, fatigue, headaches, confusion, difficulty concentrating, skin problems, such as acne, rashes, eczema, joint pain and widespread inflammation. In addition to leaky gut the related long-term intestinal inflammation has also been linked to an increased risk of colon cancer, as well as gut perforation or bowel obstruction, that can lead to numerous medical emergencies.
In 1998, Wakefield and a group of colleagues published a research study which linked inflammatory bowel symptoms in autistic children to the MMR vaccine. That study, published in the respected British medical journal The Lancet, launched a massive anti-vaccine movement in the United Kingdom, the United States, and around the world.
In addition to being castigated and slandered Dr Wakefield's influential research paper was retracted by the British medical journal The Lancet in 2010. But in spite of medical ‘professionals’ and the highly profitable vaccine industry’s efforts, his work remains a potent force in the autism community.
In his book ‘How to End the Autism Epidemic’ author J.B. Handley presents an intellectual, fact-based argument on how vaccines trigger autism, drawing on scientific evidence that has emerged in the past five years from researchers outside the United States. In it he confronts and dismantles the most common rhetoric from the CDC, i.e that all vaccines are safe and effective.
If the science is settled, i.e. that vaccines do not cause brain damage, then why is the rate of autism still increasing? In the 1960s, the CDC vaccine schedule called for 5 total vaccines, today it is a staggering 72 toxic laden injections. If the science is settled, then why has The Department of Health and Human Services Vaccine Compensation Program actually acknowledged that vaccines do in fact cause autism? See also vaccine induced brain damage and comparative health of both vaccinated and unvaccinated children in Part 6.
As you may have noticed, like the Covid rollout, scare tactics are Big Pharma’s weapon of choice when it comes to getting the public back on board with vaccines, such as the much publicised recent outbreaks of measles, which as is claimed America, the spread is being fuelled by low vaccination rates, and especially among young children, caused, they believe, by fear due to vaccine damage mis-information. In 2019. The Washington Post even warned that, “Unvaccinated children banned from public spaces amid measles outbreak in New York Suburb.”
Thanks to a case brought by an anti-vaccine group, on August 29, 2023, attorney Aaron Siri presented evidence sufficient to cause a judge in a Mississippi lawsuit to overturn a previously-issued vaccine mandate, and by using the CDC’s own statistics. Including a 1900 to 1960 chart showing the recorded death rates for measles, per 100,000 per population, bearing in mind the measles vaccination programmes did not begin until 1963.
Before anyone was being vaccinated against measles there had already been a precipitous decline in measles thanks to improved sanitation and nutrition etc. But when one considers that even at the highest levels, at its worst, measles was only killing 13 in 100.000 and by 1960, before the introduction of blanket vaccines, measles deaths were virtually non existent. Before the mass vaccine rollouts it used to be that everyone who contracted measles gained natural lifetime immunity by the age of 15.
This is because measles is a known self-limiting childhood infection and most cases are benign and not even reported, so why the need for harmful vaccines that are neither safe or effective, and that by and large don’t work? Through the Freedom of Information Act documents have been obtained, used to licence these vaccines back in 1978 based on clinical trials that used a total of only 834, split into separate groups to minimise the numbers, i.e one group of a couple of hundred plus for measles, the same for mumps and rubella, made worse by very scant follow-up procedures.
For example, “Each child will be followed clinically for 42 days following vaccination.” Far shorter that standard drug trials, some as long as six years. In other words, any adverse health consequences were no longer considered causal after day 43. But as many people have discovered since the Covid shots, many serious symptoms, some life threatening can occur months and even years after getting vaccinated. All vaccines cause some degree of autoimmune reactions which explains why autoimmune diseases are so common today, i.e. the 10 most common being: Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis) rheumatoid arthritis (RA), lupus, type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis (MS), scleroderma, psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis; none of which will usually become evident within 42 days. The vaccine manufacturers have to by law list all related known adverse reactions, many of which turn out to be life changing. For example one of the known reactions is encephalitis, aka brain swelling and is directly linked to autism and dementia as shown in part 5.
Bearing in mind that no study has ever been carried out to examine these well known reactions in children, or why some children, i.e. particularly black children are more susceptible. Why is it that in spite of these facts the design and reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies, both pre and post-marketing, are totally inadequate.
This remains the case in spite of the CDC acknowledging that “severe problems have been reported after a child gets MMR vaccine that include: deafness, long-term seizures, coma, lowered consciousness and permanent brain damage.
The following adverse reactions include those identified during clinical trials or reported during post-approval use of MMR vaccine or its individual components: encephalitis, encephalopathy, (brain swelling) Guillain-Barré Syndrome, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, transverse myelitis, febrile convulsions or seizures, ataxia, polyneuritis, fever, headache, dizziness, malaise, irritability, vasculitis, pancreatitis, diarrhea, vomiting, parotitis, nausea, thrombocytopenia, purpura, leukocytosis, anaphylaxis, anaphylactoid reactions, swelling (peripheral and/or facial), bronchial spasm, arthritis, arthralgia, myalgia, polyneuropathy, ocular palsies, peripheral nerve abnormalities, pneumonia, pneumonitis, sore throat, cough, rhinitis. measles-like rash, ear nerve deafness and otitis media, optic neuritis, conjunctivitis and urogenital problems.
One of the largest outbreaks of measles in recent decades was labelled the ‘Disneyland Outbreak’ in California between 2014 and 2015 and was used to push the SB277 measles vaccine. In June 2015, California passed a law called SB277 that took away parents' rights to exempt their children from mandated vaccines for religious and personal reasons, leaving only a narrow, hard to get medical exemption option.
The claim at the time was that by removing any exemptions this would prevent any further outbreaks, given that all children would be vaccinated. Just like the Covid scam, the government spread the unfounded lie that it was the unvaccinated who were to blame for spreading Covid; we now know the exact opposite to be true as clearly shown in Part Two. Like the Covid lie, according to their own data, subsequently released from the Department of Public Health shows the reasons used to take away any parental right to exempt their children was also based on lies. For example, the distribution and hospitalisation status of the California Measles outbreak cases show the majority were adults.
The data gets even more suspicious when one considers that 62% of all recorded cases were ‘immunisation status verified’. Furthermore, given the fact, that like the rest of us, the vast majority had also been measles vaccinated at some point, suggests a total vaccine failure to protect both adults and children. To add insult to injury when the California Department of Public Health looked at the specific strains they found a significant proportion of those who became ill had been contaminated by the ’31 genotype A strain’, i.e. the strain used in the vaccines, thus showing it was the vaccines that had caused many to fall prey to measles, as is the case with Polio vaccines, see Part? Ref:
In addition to Bill Gates Demanding the right to censor all the “Insane People” who oppose him on the Internet as the world continues to wake up to the crimes of the globalist elite and the public mood worsens, the elite are now floating the idea of a “Covid amnesty” for all the elite decision makers who ruined millions of lives by enforcing draconian lockdowns, masks on children, and barbaric vaccine mandates. Not to mention the continued increase in deaths, blood clots, strokes, turbo cancers and life changing neurological complications.
According to a recent ‘Atlantic’ article, the elite, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and Joe Biden to name a few, should be given a free pass and granted amnesty against prosecution as more and more evidence of their malpractice and outright criminality continues to surface. It sounds like the elite are aware the dam wall is about to burst and their plannned-demic crimes are about to be exposed to the mainstream. And the elite are rightly terrified of the masses rising up, waking up and rising up against them.
Given all that we have been through in recent years, are we really just expected to grant a pardon to the elite who, over and over, proved themselves to be incompetent at best, and in many cases, outright tyrants? Absolutely not. Are we expected to erase the record of those responsible for leaving sick children to waste away in hospitals all alone, for separating husband from wife, for stopping families from holding the hands of the dying or gathering for their funerals? No, no, and again, no.
After mandates forced people out of jobs, destroying livelihoods and lives, and the vaccine-turned-therapeutic was exposed as failing to stop transmission, are we really expected to stop asking about its potential side effects, or the relationship between Big Pharma companies and the FDA? Are we really to let bygones be bygones for masking and lockdowns that will set students back for a decade, that shuttered businesses across the country, that multiplied deaths of despair? The other people are “the experts” and, more importantly, “the authorities.” And when they are wrong they must admit it, and be held accountable. That is what makes them, in our modern democratic and scientific society, authoritative: accountability to the public record. It was the so-called experts and public authorities who were the ones making (wrongly) all the assessments, predictions, and decisions on behalf of ordinary people, and they are supposed to be judged by the accuracy and utility of those assessments, predictions, and decisions.
The reckoning has not yet begun. The people who got it right, for whatever reason, may want to gloat. Those who got it wrong, for whatever reason, may feel defensive and retrench into a position that doesn’t accord with the facts. Throw them all out. “Getting something wrong” might not always be a moral failing, but it is a professional failing, in an expert or public official. They failed at their job. They should not be allowed to keep it.
Furthermore by any standards, these are crimes against humanity and for justice to done criminal proceedings for all involved is the only way to ensure this is not repeated. Because make no mistake, they already have the next plannned-demic ready and waiting. So no pandemic amnesty, but instead capital punishment for all those who knew what they were doing, and will again, but only if we let them. NB: The above are extracts are originally from ‘The Atlantis’ news, and from ‘News Punch.’ It can also be found on‘The People's Voice’ website: Ref: file:///Users/luisalicea/Desktop/The People's Voice - Where Mainstream Fears to Tread.webarchive
Judge in the Netherlands orders Bill Gates to stand trial for murdering Millions
A Dutch court has ruled that Bill Gates will face trial in the Netherlands over his involvement in misleading the public about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. The case, brought forward by seven plaintiffs who claim to have suffered serious vaccine injuries, marks a significant blow to Gates, who has been a key figure in pushing COVID-19 vaccination efforts worldwide. The court ruled that Gates, who attempted to have the case dismissed or contest the court’s jurisdiction, was in the wrong. His legal challenge was dismissed, and as a result, he has been ordered to pay the legal fees of the plaintiffs.
Claims that also involve former Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, and members of the Dutch government’s COVID-19 “Outbreak Management Team,” misled the public about vaccine safety. Like Big Pharma, Gates has managed to get away with it for so long because he is a major financier behind WHO and other Global health organisations. Gates also bankrolls mainstream media outlets thus ensuring they never report on him negatively.
The case also references Gates’ role in international initiatives like the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” and Gate’s involvement in global vaccination programs like the Gavi Vaccine Alliance, an international organisation that promotes widespread access to vaccines for children living in the world's poorest countries. For decades Bill Gates has committed crimes in broad daylight conducting experiments on vulnerable children in Africa and India and discussed in Part 6.
Independent journalist, Erica Krikke who has been covering the case, sees the ruling as significant, stating that even high-profile figures like Gates must answer to the court. This case could potentially set a global precedent for plaintiffs suing high profile individuals or organisations for vaccine-related injuries, especially when defendants reside outside the plaintiffs’ country. Naomi Wolf, editor of “The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity,” claims that both Pfizer and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) were aware of the severe adverse effects of the COVID-19 vaccine early on, yet continued to promote its use.
Gates tried to argue that as a U.S. resident, the Dutch court did not have jurisdiction over him, but the court found sufficient grounds to assert jurisdiction. As a result Gates is now panicking, even begging the judge to dismiss the case, shamefully arguing that if he is held to justice in the Netherlands there will be a contagion effect. Gates is one of the key players who masterminded the planned global vaccine rollout that is now linked to millions of deaths, and part of a chilling agenda rooted in eugenics and depopulation and why understanding the bigger picture is essential, set out in Parts 2 to 7, keeping in mind that, as the saying goes, “truth can be stranger than fiction.”